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熟女,你的名字是女王 por Mind Map: 熟女,你的名字是女王

1. 成熟有魅力

1.1. Being too smart is threatening to men and ultimately unattractive

1.1.1. Men don't like woman with more power or a better job than them

1.2. Parents always encouraged me to get the best education and job I can

1.2.1. I was rewarded when I showed motivation

1.3. 李怡雯

1.4. 淑慧

1.5. 羅茵如

2. 做一個純女人

2.1. My mother instilled no low cut shirts and no short skirts

2.2. Grandmother says woman wear dresses

2.2.1. I always get complimented when I wear make up and a dress because it is what she thinks feminine is beautiful (positive reinforcement)

2.3. "Festival Culture" is in and considered cool with my friends

2.3.1. Show slightly too much skin and considered "slutty"

2.3.2. Don't show any skin or dress conservatively and get called "a mom"

2.4. Girls receive attention when they flaunt their cleavage and legs

2.4.1. Show too much cleavage or too much leg and get called a "slut"

2.4.2. Don't show enough skin, and receive no attention and get called "a mom"

2.5. 包翠英

2.6. 任曉佳

3. 做個好女人

3.1. Grandmother says to always be ladylike

3.1.1. A woman never raises her voice

3.1.2. A woman is always polite7

3.2. Woman should be in touch with their emotions

3.2.1. Too tough is masculine

3.2.2. Too emotional is annoying and high maintenance

3.3. Boyfriend likes a funny and outgoing girlfriend

3.3.1. He likes a woman who can "hang with the guys," has a thick skin, and sense of humor

3.3.2. Thinks I am cute when I am girly

3.4. Mom and Dad always encourage confidence and to stand up for myself

3.4.1. They say "The squeaky wheel gets the grease!"

3.5. Being a good conversationalist is an important skill

3.5.1. Talking too much is irritating

3.6. I value trustworthiness, kindness, and selflessness

3.7. YOYO老師

3.8. 王愛嬉

3.9. 郭慧敏

4. 熟女的心態

4.1. Guy friends say they like curves

4.1.1. They like girls who are strong

4.1.2. Don't want a girl with too much muscle

4.2. Media displays skinny as ideal

4.3. 玉菲

4.4. 林姿佑

5. 最完美的女人

5.1. Media says being sexy is cool

5.1.1. If you are too sexy you are shamed and called a slut

5.2. Men like a woman who is "untouched" or innocent

5.2.1. Having sex with too many people is a flaw

5.2.2. Having too little experience or being a virgin is embarrassing

5.3. 柯汝慧

5.4. 徐植蓉

5.5. 陳佩芬