1st and 2nd level Primary Education

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1st and 2nd level Primary Education por Mind Map: 1st and 2nd level Primary Education

1. Vocabulary

1.1. Oxford Galaxy

1.1.1. 1st level. Games to practice vocabulary.

1.2. Oxford Galaxy 2

1.2.1. 2nd level. Games to practice vocabulary

1.3. English for little children

1.3.1. Interactive activities to practice vocabulay

1.4. Eduland

1.4.1. Activies to practice vocabulary about "the house", "the park" and "the school".


2.1. 1. Improve oral comprehension using IWB

2.2. 2. Improve oral expression using IWB

2.3. 3. Learn new vocabulary using IWB

3. SMART Board Galleries

4. Oral comprehension & expression

4.1. Alphabet

4.1.1. Activity to learn the alphabet and its pronunciation

4.2. Aven´s corner

4.2.1. Multiple resources to improve oral comprehension

4.3. Alphabet Song

4.4. Shape Song

4.5. Interactive tales

4.5.1. Drave the brave

4.5.2. Cinderella

4.5.3. Goodnight bird

4.5.4. Jingle Jungle Monkey

5. Flahs activities