Tina Drakulich's PLN Network 4 Learning

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Tina Drakulich's PLN Network 4 Learning por Mind Map: Tina Drakulich's PLN Network 4 Learning

1. Google Apps: find it anywhere tool

1.1. Share it with anyone tool

1.2. never loose it tool

1.3. Comment on documents and share

1.4. Share and find ideas and lessons with colleagues, IS, and 21st Century Cohorts

1.5. Share plans, projects, activities with friends and family

1.6. Advance family goals in community and business

2. Little Bird Tales

2.1. student PLN tool

2.1.1. creativity tool

2.2. Students share learning with others

2.3. teacher lessons can be shared

3. Edmodo

3.1. Communicate with students and families

3.2. teach and practice skilled communication

3.3. Communicate with educators on topic

4. Mindmeister

4.1. brainstorming

4.2. organizing

4.3. writing process

4.4. concept development

4.5. plan projects

4.6. find and share resources for planning projects and real world problem solving

4.7. Advance family goals in business and community

5. Twitter

5.1. Remove the walls from the classroom

5.2. Improve 21st Century Outcomes

5.3. link to smart educators, share and find resources

6. Staff Lounge and shared network drive

6.1. District I.S.

6.1.1. Neighbors in C Hall

7. Tina Drakulich's Personal Learning Network

7.1. Facebook

8. Mrs. Drakulich's Professional Learning Network

9. Pinterest

9.1. quick ideas to use in a pinch

10. Email

10.1. Outlook- professional

10.2. Yahoo- personal

10.3. Google-professional and personal