ECI 521, Teaching Literature for Young Adults (Draft Syllabus for Tailoring)

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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ECI 521, Teaching Literature for Young Adults (Draft Syllabus for Tailoring) por Mind Map: ECI 521, Teaching Literature for Young Adults (Draft Syllabus for Tailoring)

1. Learning Outcomes Guided by Principles

1.1. Openness

1.2. Autonomy

1.3. The Community is the Curriculum

1.3.1. Included

1.3.2. Included

1.3.3. Excluded

1.4. Critical Thinking and Critical Reflection

1.5. Creativity and Self-Expression

1.6. Social Justice & Positive Social Change

2. Schedule

2.1. Monday Week Begins

2.1.1. Project specifications

2.1.2. End User requirements

2.1.3. Action points sign-off

2.2. Wednesday midnight

2.2.1. Book Response due

2.3. Before Class

2.3.1. Feedback on Book Responses/ Peer-Led CCI Completed

2.4. Sunday midnight

2.4.1. Critical Reflection for Week Due

3. Timeline

3.1. Week 1 -- Prep

3.1.1. Printz Book

3.2. Week 2 -- Socially-Mediated Literature/Literacy/Learning (-- Cris)

3.2.1. Printz Book

3.3. Week 3 -- Peer-Led Inquiry --?

3.3.1. Printz Book

3.4. Week 4 -- Peer-Led Inquiry -- ?

3.4.1. Sequential Art, Ind or Group?

3.5. Week 5 -- Interdisciplinary CCI for Teens/Tweens -- ?

4. Reflective Assessment Process

4.1. Contract Grading

4.1.1. Projects Weighted

4.1.2. Grading S / U

4.1.3. Contract for Grade

4.1.4. Renegotiate as Needed

4.2. Funds of Knowledge Inventory, Pre & Post

4.3. Critical Reflection on Each Book Response

4.4. Critical Reflection at Close of the Week

4.5. Assessment Conferences -- 2, Pre & Post

5. Projects

5.1. Literary Quality -- Read and respond to 3 Printz Books from ALA or Eva Perry

5.1.1. Explore multimedia & genres

5.1.2. Provide Substantive, Helpful Feedback for Others

5.1.3. At Least One Bookcast

5.2. Collaborative Peer-Led Unit (really a Collaborative Critical Inquiry for Us)

5.2.1. Group Selects Questions/Inquiries

5.2.2. One Group Member Leads the Inquiry

5.3. Interdisciplinary Collaborative Critical Inquiry for Teens/Tweens

5.3.1. KPI's