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1. 1. Improve performance of channels that already bring customers: sem, organic

1.1. Cooperate with business on converting incoming requests into customers: analyze incoming requests, understand how to help business team to sell services

1.1.1. KPIs: DKBQ - 4 contracts per month

1.1.2. LHN: 4 contracts per month

1.1.3. PLV: 2 contracts per month

2. 2. Develope new channels of customer acquisition - owned media that gathers audience around certain topics.

2.1. Startup and entrepreneurship

2.1.1. KPIs: positive trends in engagement and feedback rates

2.2. Creative industry professionals

2.2.1. KPIs: positive trends in engagement and feedback rates

3. 3. Reinforce PLV brand

3.1. Pump up PLV website

3.1.1. Restructure, redesign, content

3.1.2. Inbound marketing

3.2. Refuse from making separate websites (like, all info should be on

3.3. Make company profile