End User

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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End User por Mind Map: End User

1. Planner

1.1. Statistics

1.2. Plan

1.3. Survey

2. Government

2.1. Financial support

2.2. 10 year plan

2.3. Law formatting

2.4. Awarness

2.5. Pressure

3. Manufacturer

3.1. Feasibility study

3.2. Break even price

3.3. Detailed market survey

4. Legislators

4.1. Laws

4.2. Tax reduction

4.3. Soft loans

5. Opposing Party

5.1. Public Opinion

5.2. Missing Data

6. Media, social corporates, NGOs

6.1. Awarness

6.2. Transparecy