Shutter Island

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Shutter Island por Mind Map: Shutter Island

1. Key Events


1.1.1. the flashbacks that teddy experiences give us an insight into the life that he suppressed. as they continue, you put the pieces together and the memories and action he refused to remember become clear to the viewer.

1.2. Problem 3

1.3. Key Events: - boat ride, intro to the main charters - flash backs: get an understanding of the past and can start to piece together the twist and the plot - Leo’s authority isn’t as high as it usually would be outside of the island (gun taken away from him) - been locked in cemetery during storm, gains trust in chuck - piecing together the plot, clues are consistently popping up, for example, cigarettes first go missing on the boat, and happen to perish during the storm. - The aspirin given to Leo with his headaches - when in ward C and he can’t let go of his wife, the prisoner tells Leo that he has to let her go. - Teddy goes towards the lighthouse and then thinks he see's chuck at the bottom of the cliff, he climbs down only to find Rachael Solondo in a cave, and learns about brain surgery and how she was a nurse, cant tell if hallucination or real.

2. Relationships

2.1. Chuck and Teddy: gain trust, then after scene in Ward C, after the prisoner questions that Teddy had never preciously worked with him he himself questions Chuck as a partner and starts to piece together the truth

2.1.1. influences

2.1.2. decisions

2.1.3. motivations

2.2. Tension between Leo and Dr. Crawely. As soon as they are introduced you can sense that their relationship is going to be one of competitiveness and tension. This is proved as the story develops, and their relationship becomes uneasy. You dont know if the doctor is a good person or evil and it is difficult to trust him

2.3. Point 3

3. Characters - Development

3.1. How characters develop: - Throughout the movie leo gets more motivated to expose the experimenting going on - He becomes intoxicated with his memories - Becomes unstable, aggressive, he becomes desperate to figure out whats going on

3.2. Leo develops as he believes he is getting closer to the truth about the island. He gets motivated to stop this horrible institution, a practice that reminds him of World War 2. Leos alter ego also develops as his flashbacks get stronger and hold more powerful messages. His suppressed memories begin to be unveiled, deepening his character.

3.3. Goal 3