Perks of being a Wallflower

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Perks of being a Wallflower por Mind Map: Perks of being a Wallflower

1. Key/Moments that develop the narrative

2. Relationships that develop the narrative

2.1. Charlie and Sam

2.1.1. Throughout the movie they gradually realize that they are right for each other. However from the start Charlie has known this from almost the start the relationship begins to blossom in the tunnel when he looks up to Sam. And we then get a low camera and at Charlie’s point of view and she smiles to him from this moment onwards he knows. But it is only at the end when Sam is just about to leave for high school and she'd found out that her boyfriend Craig had been cheating on her from the start. That she finds out that Charlie is the right on for her. The director specifically uses many shots focussing on just those two in the one shot, creating an intimate vibe.

2.2. Charlie and Mr Anderson