7 Documents

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7 Documents por Mind Map: 7 Documents

1. Declaration of Independence

1.1. General purpose of document

1.1.1. The general purpose of this document was to have a formal declaration of independence from Great Britain, and in turn started the Revolutionary War.

1.2. Who wrote it?

1.2.1. The person who wrote the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson

1.3. To what time frame was the document significant?

1.3.1. The time from of the Declaration of Independence is from 1776 all the way to present day

1.4. How was the document structure?

1.4.1. The Declaration of Independence can be divided into five sections; the introduction, the preamble, the indictment of George III, the denunciation of the British people, and the conclusion document.

1.5. Top 5 most important things needed to know about the document

1.5.1. The five most important things you need to know is it started the revolutionary war, led to our freedom from Great Britain, the document was signed by 56 delegates to the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence states that the authority to govern belongs to the people, rather than to kings, that all people are created equal and have rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and about 20% of the American population during the American Revolutionary War were loyalists

2. Northwest Ordinance

2.1. General purpose of document

2.1.1. The general purpose of this document was to set up the laws for the northwest territory which includes slavery laws and the population for a territory to become a state.

2.2. Who wrote it?

2.2.1. Nathan Dane and Rufus King were the creators of the Northwest Ordinance.

2.3. To what time frame was the document significant?

2.3.1. It was significant from 1787 until present day because this contained the regulations for a territory to become a state and the states that turned into states are still states today.

2.4. How was the document structure?

2.4.1. The document is structured using articles.

2.5. Top 5 most important things needed to know about the document

2.5.1. The five most important things you need to know about the Northwest Ordinance are they set up the territories of are no Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, they set up the requirements for a territory to become a state, affected the rest of the westward expansion, banned slavery in these states,

3. Articles of Confederation

3.1. General purpose of document

3.1.1. Set up a temporary government for the 13 states.

3.2. Who wrote it?

3.2.1. It was agreed upon by the thirteen states.

3.3. To what time frame was the document significant?

3.3.1. It was significant to the years of 1778-1787.

3.4. How was the document structure?

3.4.1. It is structured using articles.

3.5. Top 5 most important things needed to know about the document

3.5.1. It was created at the end of the Revolutionary War, end up being replaced by the constitution, weak, ratified by all 13 states, dealt with the rights of the Native Americans

4. Constitution

4.1. General purpose of document

4.1.1. The main purpose of the Constitution is to get rid of the previously made Articles of confederation.

4.2. Who wrote it?

4.2.1. It was written by the Constitutional Convention.

4.3. To what time frame was the document significant?

4.3.1. The document was created September 17, 1787, but was not ratified until September 17, 1787.

4.4. How was the document structure?

4.4.1. The document was structured using articles.

4.5. Top 5 most important things needed to know about the document

4.5.1. The five most important things are that it set up the regulations for the president, replaced the articles of confederation, addresses native Americans in the new Americas, contains the Bill of Rights, was not ratified by all of the delegates.

5. Bill of Rights

5.1. General purpose of document

5.1.1. The main purpose of this document is to give the citizens of the United States a list of their basic rights.

5.2. Who wrote it?

5.2.1. The person who wrote the Bill of rights was James Madison

5.3. To what time frame was the document significant?

5.3.1. The time frame in which the document has affected would be from 1791 to present day because it is still used as a guide for our basic liberties given to us.

5.4. How was the document structure?

5.4.1. This document was structured by amendments then put into subsection under those

5.5. Top 5 most important things needed to know about the document

5.5.1. The five most important things you need to know about the Bill of Rights are that at first some of the most prominent did not want the constitution to be ratified because of its failure to protect the basic rights of the citizens, it is actually amendments made to the constitution,

6. Federalist Papers

6.1. General purpose of document

6.1.1. The general purpose of the Federalist Papers was to show the people of new York that the Constitution was good and pointed out the benefits of the documents.

6.2. Who wrote it?

6.2.1. The person that wrote this document was Alexander Hamilton.

6.3. To what time frame was the document significant?

6.3.1. It was significant to the years directly after the ratification of the Constitution.

6.4. How was the document structure?

6.4.1. It was structured in sets of different essays.

6.5. Top 5 most important things needed to know about the document

6.5.1. The five most important things you need to know are the papers were a collected set of essays published in a New York news paper, there were three different authors who wrote things papers, the people who wrote these essays were for the Constitution, this took place in New York, and there were 85 essays written.

7. Anti federalist Papers

7.1. General purpose of document

7.1.1. The general purpose was to point out the bad points or the points that are the most questionable.

7.2. Who wrote it?

7.2.1. Not one person wrote these papers the are just papers that were collected from many different people.

7.3. To what time frame was the document significant?

7.3.1. This document was significant to the time period right after the ratification of the Constitution.

7.4. How was the document structure?

7.4.1. The document was and is a unorganized group of papers that were against the ratification of the Constitution.

7.5. Top 5 most important things needed to know about the document

7.5.1. The top five things you need to know about the Anti-Federalists papers are that they were not by one individual author, but by a large group of them, they were not organized into one paper or group, they people who wrote them were against the constitution, not all of these papers were published, and there is not a certain number of papers.