Typical Aging or Dementia ?

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Typical Aging or Dementia ? por Mind Map: Typical Aging or Dementia ?

1. Complains of memory problems

1.1. dementia

1.1.1. may complain only if asked

1.1.2. unable to recall memory loss

1.2. typical aging

1.2.1. comlpains

1.2.2. much detail "forgetfulness

2. Independence

2.1. dementia

2.1.1. dependent on others

2.2. typical aging

2.2.1. preserved

3. Forgetfulness

3.1. dementia

3.1.1. family worried patient not so much

3.2. typical aging

3.2.1. patient worried family not so much

4. Memory of recent events

4.1. dementia

4.1.1. notable decline event memory ability to discuss

4.2. typical aging

4.2.1. not impaired

5. Mental status

5.1. dementia

5.1.1. abnormal

5.2. typical aging

5.2.1. normal

6. Social skills

6.1. demential

6.1.1. loss of interest

6.1.2. socially inappropriate

6.2. typical aging

6.2.1. prior level maintained

7. Ability to operate appliance

8. Gets lost in familiar territory

9. Stops to fine word

9.1. dementia

9.1.1. frequent pauses substitutions

9.2. typical aging

9.2.1. occasional