Nikki Minaj - Superbass

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Nikki Minaj - Superbass por Mind Map: Nikki Minaj - Superbass

1. While the women are throughout in costumes that are revealing and that are always showing their skin and underwear.

2. The idea is presented that she is 'pleasuring him' when she and the other dancers are circling the men. Also the impression that the women are performing for the men.

3. The men are given a position of power in the video as they are mostly seen in clothing such as suits.

4. We are encouraged throughout the whole of the video to view the video from the males perspective throughout the use of cinematography.

5. Dancers in the video are all styled to look like Minaj - creating the idea that women showed look like her.

6. Although the artist is female the video is from the perspective of the male.