Point of Sales

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Point of Sales por Mind Map: Point of Sales

1. Accounting

1.1. Stock

1.2. Transaction details

1.2.1. Date Consumers' visiting periods Peak hours Peak seasons

1.2.2. Consumers' preferences Quantity Particular services

2. Adventages

2.1. Establish accurate sale and inventory record

2.2. Easier to make adjustment

2.3. Easier to make promotion

2.4. Ensure consistency of different store

2.5. Can back up the data

3. Disadventages

3.1. Costly susuainable cost

3.2. Technological risks

4. History

4.1. Early Development

4.2. 1990S

4.3. 2000S

5. Funtion

5.1. Collect data and customer payment information

5.1.1. Marketing Consumers' preferences

5.1.2. Credit card

5.2. Facilitate communication

5.3. Provide various payment process

6. Application

6.1. Hospitality industry

6.2. Retail Industry

6.3. Restaurant