The Life of Kiley Fields

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The Life of Kiley Fields por Mind Map: The Life of Kiley Fields

1. Education

1.1. Oak Ridge High School

1.2. Flagler College

1.3. University of Central Florida

2. Work History

2.1. Sunday School Teacher (2014-Present)

2.2. Library Assistant (2013-2014)

2.3. Office Associate at American Signature Furniture (2014-Present)

3. Important Dates/Events

3.1. 2011 Decided that she wanted to become a teacher

3.2. December 2012 Accepted at Flagler College

3.3. May 2013 Graduated High School

3.4. August 2013 Began to attend Flagler College

3.5. 2013 Decided she wanted to become an Early Childhood Education Major

3.6. March 2014 Accepted at UCF

3.7. August 2014 Began to attend UCF