My New Mind Map

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My New Mind Map por Mind Map: My New Mind Map

1. Precious Freshness

1.1. Most of the freshwater we have available to us is used for thermometric power

1.2. "Water is finite" This means water is not unlimited and that one day we will run out.

1.3. Desolation is one process that can be used to increase the amount of freshwater we have but uses a lot of energy and produces a very salty by-product

2. Earth's Water Cycle

2.1. The water cycle is the most reliable source of water because it is one big circle that keeps going

2.2. Scientists use satellites to study atmospheric water, cloud condensation, and river alterations

2.3. Satellites can also help our understanding of Global Warming trends

3. Water's Family Tree

3.1. Chemical form of water: H20

3.2. Water is created in the Earth's atmosphere.

3.3. Scientists believe that at one point water molecules were floating through space and eventually grouped together to create and atmosphere.

4. Show me the Water

4.1. 70% of Earth is water.

4.2. 90% of that 70% is salt water

4.3. 3% is freshwater

4.4. 2% is frozen in ice caps and glaciers

4.5. That leaves 1% of the water on Earth accessible for people