Adolescent Education and breast feeding

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Adolescent Education and breast feeding por Mind Map: Adolescent Education and breast feeding

1. Family values

1.1. mum didn't breast feed

1.2. lack of breast feeding support

2. Media portrayal

2.1. not many famous figures breast feeding

2.2. Artificial feeding commercial everywhere

2.3. Minimal positive breast feeding posters/sign/advertisments

3. Abuse

3.1. sexual

3.1.1. Trigger memories of abuse through touch

3.2. emotioanl

3.3. physical

3.4. Psycological

4. Fear of Peer exclusion

4.1. not accepted at social gatherings

4.2. not "cool"

4.3. Embarrasement

5. Lack of professional Education

5.1. lack of education

5.1.1. Antinatal

5.1.2. Postnatal

5.2. lack of support

5.2.1. Informational

5.2.2. Instrumntal

5.2.3. Appraisal

5.2.4. emotional

6. Cultural norms

6.1. Certain cultures consider breastfeeding for the poor

6.2. Elders care for the baby

7. Social Norms

7.1. Artificial feeding is widely accepted

7.2. Breast feeding in public is still looked down upon

7.3. Lack of exposure

8. Body image

8.1. sexualisation of the breast

8.2. embarrasment

8.3. fear of judgement

8.4. Boyfriend doesn't appove

8.5. doesn't want to loose breast tone