Film opening synopsis

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Film opening synopsis por Mind Map: Film opening synopsis

1. Location (Mise en Scene)

1.1. Woodlands, Clapham

1.1.1. This is where the first scene will be set. The victim is taking a shortcut home meaning she will have to pass through the woods. This is also the scene where the victim is abducted by the antagonist.

1.2. Houghton House

1.2.1. This abandoned building will be used in the second scene where the antagonist takes the victim and holds them captive. The antagonist will torment the victim to the point where she is stabbed to death from trying to escape.

2. Characters (Mise en Scene)

2.1. Female victim

2.1.1. I have purposely chosen a female victim as stereotypically they are much weaker than male characters, therefore making my character inferior is key, especially in scenes such as the abduction where the antagonist must have much more strength than the female character.

2.2. Male antagonist

2.2.1. I have chosen for my antagonist to be male, the reason for this is because male characters are typically used as the killers in horror films. However, males are also stereotypically much stronger and built bigger. My male character will be much bigger and taller than the victim this is to further emphasise the superiority and dominance that the antagonist has over the victim.

3. Plot

3.1. Scene one

3.1.1. Set in the Woods.

3.1.2. The victim is walking home from school, however she takes a shortcut through the woods.

3.1.3. The victim is on the phone to her friend, however the deeper she enters into the woods, she ends up loosing signal.

3.1.4. Half way home, the victim is approached by the antagonist and abducted.

3.2. Scene two

3.2.1. The victim unconcious, wakes up in an abanoned building.

3.2.2. The vicim finds that they are tied to a chair, which disables them from having any force of escaping.

3.2.3. The antagonist then approaches the victim and torments her mentally.

3.2.4. When it starts getting darker, the antagonist leaves, telling the victim that he will be back in the morning.

3.2.5. After hours of effort, the victim manages to untie herself and run, however the antagonist comes back unexpected.

3.2.6. The victim sees that the killer is back, she begins to run faster, however the antagonist is much faster and stronger than her and he manages to catch her.

3.2.7. The antagonist stabs the victim to death.

4. Setting

4.1. Woodlands

4.1.1. Typical setting for horror films.

4.1.2. This location is usually an isolated one and very quiet, this makes the film much more realistic.

4.2. Ruined/Abandoned building

4.2.1. Typical setting for horror films.

4.2.2. The building creates a much more eerie atmosphere, as the building lacks character which makes it appear spooky, especially when it starts getting dark.

5. Conventions

5.1. Location

5.1.1. Shows the audience where the film will be set, or part of the film.

5.1.2. Isolated/Abandoned.

5.1.3. Use of establishing shots.

5.2. Theme: Colour red

5.2.1. Connotation. Blood. Evil. Danger.

5.3. Tense music

5.3.1. Creates suspense and mystery throughout the scene.

5.3.2. A sense of thrill.

5.3.3. Tension.

5.3.4. The bigger the tension, the higher the music.

5.3.5. Keeps the audience on the edge.

5.4. Slow paced

5.4.1. Eerie atmosphere.

5.4.2. Mystery.

5.5. Weapons

5.5.1. Supernatural and psychological.

5.5.2. A twisted mind.

5.6. Death

5.6.1. A victim whom is not at all guilty usually dies.

5.6.2. Several victims.

6. Diegesis

6.1. Diegetic

6.1.1. Footsteps on the crunching leaves.

6.1.2. Heavy breathing.

6.1.3. Typing a text.

6.2. Non-diegetic

6.2.1. Slow paced music. When victim is walking home.

6.2.2. Fast paced music. When victim is escaping. When victim is approached by the killer and then abducted.

6.2.3. Contrapuntal sound.

6.2.4. Eerie music.

7. Editing

7.1. Slow paced

7.1.1. When victim is being followed.

7.1.2. When victim is taken to an abandoned building.

7.2. Fast paced

7.2.1. When antagonist abducts the victim.

7.2.2. When the victim is trying to escape.

8. Cinematography

8.1. Close up.

8.2. Extreme close up.

8.3. Medium shot.

8.4. High/low angle shot.

8.5. Panning shot.

8.6. Tilted angle.

8.7. Over the shoulder shot .

8.8. Point of view shot.

8.9. Establishing shot.

9. Costume (Mise en Scene)

9.1. Antagonist

9.1.1. Black hoodie

9.1.2. Black jeans

9.1.3. Black boots

9.1.4. Black leather gloves

9.2. Victim

9.2.1. Blouse

9.2.2. Jeans

9.2.3. Flat shoes

9.2.4. School bag

10. Props (Mise en Scene)

10.1. Chair

10.1.1. The chair will be used to tie the victim down using the rope. This will keep the victim in place so they are unable to move.

10.2. Rope

10.2.1. The rigid rope will be used to tie the victim to the chair. The rope is strong, therefore the victim has little chance of tearing it and escaping.

10.3. Duct tape

10.3.1. This will preclude the victim from escaping as well as making any sounds, e.g. screaming.

10.4. Mobile phone

10.4.1. The mobile phone will be used by the victim at the very beginning of the film opening when she exchanges a conversation between her friend.

11. Lighting (Mise en scene)

11.1. Low key lighing

11.2. Natural outside lighting

11.3. Dull and gloomy