Perfect Planning 333

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Perfect Planning 333 por Mind Map: Perfect Planning 333

1. Logistics

1.1. Decorations

1.2. Entertainment

1.3. Equipment Needed

1.4. Photography

1.5. Food/Catering

1.6. Transportation

2. Wedding Budget

2.1. Total Budget

2.2. Cost Per Person

2.3. Total Expenses

3. Guests

3.1. Number of expected guest

3.2. Number of Invitations Sent

3.3. Number of Invitations Received

4. Overview

4.1. Date of event

4.2. Ideal Location

4.3. Time of event

4.4. Type of event

5. Wedding Party

6. Wedding Party Attire

6.1. Groom Party Tuxedos

6.2. Bride Party Dresses

6.2.1. Hair/Makeup

6.3. Wedding Rings

7. Honeymoon

7.1. Destination

7.2. Number of Days

7.3. Budget

8. Bachelor/Bachelorette Party