Crowded Schools

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Crowded Schools por Mind Map: Crowded Schools

1. People arn't getting equal education.

1.1. Ramsey is a crowded school:

1.1.1. Employee

1.1.2. Employee

1.2. Schools are letting too many kids in and its causing them to over pack.

1.2.1. Employee

1.2.2. Employee

2. Why is this a problem?

2.1. Crowded schools are a problem becasue if there are too many kids in one school, they will run out of funds faster and less education.

3. Other side of the story

3.1. Here VS other pparts of the world. Here we have the problem of over crowded schools. Other places have just a few students in their school.

3.1.1. In the link above^^ there are about 38 students in the whole school.

4. How to solve the issue:

4.1. Having volunteers at the school to help handle to students

4.1.1. Employee

4.1.2. Employee