Natural Hazards

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Natural Hazards por Mind Map: Natural Hazards

1. Impacts

1.1. Millions of people are affected by natural hazards every year, and the impact can be calamitous. From the destruction of buildings to the spread of disease, natural disasters can devastate entire countries overnight. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons do not just wreak havoc on land. They also disrupt people's lives, especially for those living in remote regions.

2. Prevention

2.1. It is difficult to prevent a natural hazard but it is possible to reduce the effects of a natural hazard.

3. Known case studies

3.1. 6. The Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

3.2. 4. Hurricane Katrina

3.3. 2. 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

3.4. 1. 1906 San Francisco earthquake

3.5. 3. 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami

3.6. 5. China's Great Quake of 1976

3.7. 7. 2008 Sichuan Province, China

3.8. 8. 2005 Kashmir, Pakistan

3.9. 9. 1908 Messina, Italy

3.10. 10. 1970 Chimbote, Peru

4. Definition

4.1. Natural hazards are severe and extreme weather and climate events that occur natural.

5. Location

5.1. Natural hazards happen in all parts of the world.

6. Causes

6.1. There are different reasons for natural disasters: floods (because of heavy rain or fast melting snow), forest fires, snow and land avalanches, seismic activities, volcano eruptions or various meteorological reasons such as storms (thunderstorms, blizzards) or heavy colds (frosts, freezing rain).