Idioms: parts of the body

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Idioms: parts of the body por Mind Map: Idioms: parts of the body

1. Arm

1.1. Give one's right arm: To say that you really like something.

1.1.1. Example: I would give my right arm for a lemonade.

1.2. Keep someone at arm's length: keep your distance from somebody or something

1.2.1. Example: It was one of those thoughts one had to fight down, keep at arm's length at any cost.

1.3. Open arms: to show someone that you are very pleased to see him/her

1.3.1. Example: i was happy to see my dad, so i greated him with open arms.

2. Back

2.1. Behind someone's back: do something without someone's knowledge

2.1.1. Example: He sold my car behind my back

2.2. See the back of something: to be pleased to not have to be involved with something or somebody

2.2.1. Example: Sara was glad to see the back of her mother in law.

2.3. Put someone's back up: to annoy somebody deliverately

2.3.1. Example: Jonh really put my back up with his comments

3. Blood

3.1. Get someone's blood up: to get someone or oneself really angry

3.1.1. Example: Mosquito bites gets my blood up.

3.2. Be in someone's blood: to have a skill naturally, the family already have it

3.2.1. Her parents were writers too so is in her blood

4. Bones

4.1. Make no bones about something: to say clearly wath you think without feeling embarrased.

4.1.1. She made no bones about Mr. Cassidy lunch

4.2. Have got a bone to pick with someone: something that you say when you want to talk to someone about something they have done that has annoyed you

4.2.1. Example: I have to pick a bone with you, who was that gilr???