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mammals por Mind Map: mammals

1. what is a mammal?

1.1. mammals from bats to whales share somthing alike

1.2. mammals spend time raising young and training them then other animals do

1.3. female mammals are the only creatures that make milk for there younge and filled with vitamines and minerals and everything it needs.

2. endangered species

2.1. mammals share its habitat with other plants and animals. mammals play a role to keeping the eco system healthy

2.2. when a mammal is endangered the hole eco system is affectived

2.3. mammals that are endangered grizzly bear, mountain lions, bob cats, key dear, red and gray wolve and alot more.

3. striped skunk

3.1. a skunk could blind you if you are ten foot away

3.2. if you see a bold black and white colors about 13-16 in. then stay away

3.3. an animal that get sprayed will never forget the colors of the skunk

4. eastern chipmunk

4.1. they are always on the move to collect nut to store in the winter

4.2. most chipmunks look like the eastern chipmunk

4.3. the track of a squirrel looks like the chipmunk

5. deer mouse

5.1. the deer mouse comes in alot of colors with sparkling eyes

5.2. it eats seeds, nuts, fruits, inscts, and fungi

5.3. lives in old bird nest and in trees

5.4. it doesnt cause big problem like the house mouse

6. rabbit

7. The world of mammals

7.1. 4000 kinds of mammals in the world

7.2. 400 in north america

7.3. find them on land, under ground, at sea, and in the air

7.4. ability is amazing

8. what eats a mammal?

8.1. they eat plants,meet, fish, and insects.there teeth is deigned for what they eat. sharp ones are for grinding and ripping

8.2. carnivores like lions and wolves are fast to catch prey

8.3. killer whales act like carnivores they chase fish or swim for fish or seal

9. snowshoe hare

9.1. the snowshoe hare is brown in the summer and white in the winter

9.2. the snowshoe hare is named after a shoe named by the native americans

9.3. the rabbit is 14-18 in