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Purpose/Meaning por Mind Map: Purpose/Meaning

1. Purpose Fufulled

1.1. Genesis

1.1.1. Adam and Eve

1.1.2. Noah

1.1.3. Abraham

1.2. The Plague

1.2.1. Reuix

1.2.2. Rambert

1.2.3. Tarrou

2. Purpose/Meaning in Life

2.1. Genesis

2.1.1. Serve God

2.1.2. Populate the Earth

2.2. The Plague

2.2.1. Survive

2.3. Civilization And Its Discontents

2.3.1. Pleasure Principle

2.4. The Daodejing of Laozi

2.4.1. Follow the Way

3. Our Purposes

3.1. Career

3.2. Impact

3.3. Future

4. Fate Vs Choice