Are family meals important?

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Are family meals important? por Mind Map: Are family meals important?

1. Main Idea: Family meals are important.

1.1. it is better for teen to eat with families

1.2. teens who eat with their families most likeey wont smoke, drank ,and get bad greades

2. it is better for teen to eat with families

2.1. "79% of teens also said they enjoyed eating meals together with their family."

2.2. Teens enjoy eating with their Mom, dad brothers ans sisters

3. teens who eat with their families most likeey wont smoke, drank ,and get bad greades

3.1. "68% of teens who had dinner with their families five nights a week or more reported never trying alcohol."

3.2. "86% of teens who had dinner with their families five or more nights a week said they had never tried smoking."

4. Conclusion:

4.1. Point 1

4.2. Point 2

4.3. Point 3