What is the SAT and how will it change ?

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What is the SAT and how will it change ? por Mind Map: What is the SAT and how will it change ?

1. conclusion

1.1. Benefit 1

1.2. Benefit 2

1.3. Point 3

2. Reasons for 2016 change

2.1. support 1 As an example of some specific changes

2.2. The SAT underwent many changes along the way, both in how it was assigned to student, and who its intended audience was,to how the test itself the years.

2.3. Idea 3

3. Introduction

3.1. Define SAT is a test for student in the united states to go to college.

3.2. Reasons for 2016 change for this change Coleman cited the need to create more opportunities for students,rather than obstructing them with test questions that felt detached from their educations and the preparation colleges needed.

3.3. change

4. Define SAT

4.1. The SAT changes to show today's students abilities.

4.2. The reading and writing sections will include questions that require students to cite evidence for their answer choices,and will include reading passages.

4.3. Problem 3