Chapter 3 - Analyzing to Identify the Learners

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Chapter 3 - Analyzing to Identify the Learners por Mind Map: Chapter 3 - Analyzing to Identify the Learners

1. Differences

1.1. ABCDs of Personality

1.1.1. affect (feelings)

1.1.2. behavior (actions)

1.1.3. cognition (thinking)

1.1.4. desire (motivations

1.2. Which differences should be addressed?

1.2.1. The nature of the learner characteristics

1.2.2. The constraints involved in the situation

1.2.3. The demands of the content

1.3. Individualized Instruction - gearing the learning to the needs of the individual, not learning in an isolated context

1.3.1. Three main Differences Intelligence Section 508 - all electronic and information technology that is developed or purchased by US Federal agencies must be accessible by people with disabilities Section 504 - school districts provide a free and appropriate public education to students with disabilities that is comparable to the education being received by their non-disabled peers Motivational Goal Orientations Extrinsically - rewards, grades, advancement, praise Intrinsically - relevance of the material to their own goals Prior Knowledge When designers assess prior knowledge and customize the learning material accordingly, the overall achievement of all learners can be significantly improved

1.4. Age and Generational Differences

1.4.1. Self-concept

1.4.2. Experience

1.4.3. Readiness to learn

1.4.4. Orientation to learning

1.5. Cognitive and learning styles - manner in which a person perceives, processes, stores and recalls what they are attempting to learn

2. Learner Analysis Process

2.1. Confirm the identity of your target learner(s)

2.2. Determine what you need to know about your learner(s)

2.3. Locate the desired data or identify/design tools to collect it

2.4. Collect and analyze the data to produce a learner profile

2.5. Verify the learner profile and determine how it will impact the design

2.6. Revisit and revise your learner analysis throughout the design/development process

3. Learner characteristics impact the effectiveness of instruction

3.1. Demographic and group data

3.2. Physiological

3.3. Cognative Abilities

3.4. Prior Knowledge

3.5. Motivation and other affective

4. Methods to gather data

4.1. surveys

4.2. focus group interviews

4.3. observation

5. Technology-Related Range

5.1. Digital natives - learners who have grown up with technology, are comfortable with it, typically use it productively in all aspects of their lives

5.2. Digital immigrants - learners who grew up without technology, have adopted it later in life, frequently uncomfortable with it

6. Which characteristics should be addressed? Those that are supported by the research