Educational Technology

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Educational Technology por Mind Map: Educational Technology

1. A vision of k-12 students

1.1. Students expect to be able to create using technology.

1.1.1. They want to be able to share information with each other. 76% of teachers have never used the technology that students use. Soon they predict that the highest English Speaking country will be China.

2. Looking Back, Thinking Forward

2.1. in 1933, 3% of schools were using sound films in the classroom. 52% were using silent films, they thought people didn't want to hear actors talk.

2.1.1. They thought that no one would ever want a computer in their homes, and now they are used regularly at home, for homework, and in the classroom. These days, we use smart boards a lot, and they have taken over the projector. It is important to stay current. There is always something new. Change is constant.

3. Shift Happens

3.1. In 2006, there was only 1.3 Million graduates in the USA compared to the 3.3 million in China.

3.1.1. It is estimated that todays learners will have 10-14 jobs by the time they are 38. Most of todays college majors didn't even exist ten years ago. in 2005, 1 in 8 couples married in the United States met online. That shows how fast things truly are changing.

4. Three phases of educational technology

4.1. Any teacher that can be replaced by technology deserves to be. Students should be taught with technology, not BY technology.

4.1.1. Phase one is teachers using their own technology to create a presentation. It captures students attention with light. Phase two is when students use computers to obtain information rather than textbooks. Phase three is when students create, and share what they have created with the classroom or even the world. They are sharing what they are learning and creating videos or presentations, or something along those lines.