Educational Technology

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Educational Technology por Mind Map: Educational Technology

1. Shift Happens

1.1. China will soon be the number one English speaking country.

1.2. Most people will have had 10-14 jobs by their 38th birthday

1.3. 1 in 8 couples met online in 2008

1.4. There are 34 babies born every 8 seconds

2. 3 Phases of Educational Technology

2.1. "Any teacher that can be replaced by technology deserves to be." -David Thornburg

2.2. Teachers use technology to deliver dynamic lessons.

2.2.1. You don't get what you don't see.

2.3. Students use technology to access content knowledge.

2.3.1. Textbooks are being replaced by technology.

2.4. Students should be thought of as producers of knowledge instead of just consumers.

3. Vision of K-12 Students Today

3.1. Only 50% of students graduate high school

3.2. Kids only spend 2 hours a week reading compared to 16 1/2 watching television

3.3. There are more honor students in China than in North America.

3.4. 63% of teachers don't let students use technology to create new things.

4. Instructional Technology: Looking Backward, Thinking Forward

4.1. There's always something new, change is constant.

4.2. In the 1940's the United States Government produced 457 instructional training films and purchased 55,000 film projectors.

4.3. "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home" -Ken Olson (1977)

4.4. Many physical classrooms today look very similar to those of the past century.