Web 2.0 Mobile Tools

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Web 2.0 Mobile Tools por Mind Map: Web 2.0 Mobile Tools

1. Classroom Management

1.1. Behavior Tracker Pro

1.1.1. Track behaviors and automatically graph them. Easily export data. There's also a free version with user restrictions. Could be used to track absences, tardies, disruptions, inappropriate language, etc. to use when considering placement options.

1.2. Class Dojo

1.2.1. Track attendance and record students' behavior in a snap. Also creates individualized reports. Award merits and demerits based on classroom conduct.

1.3. Autismate

1.3.1. Personalize interactive scenes that contain "hotspots" which opens a video or image that can be used to teach procedures, appropriate interactions, calming strategies, etc. Effective tool for significantly impacted students. Could be used to teach social skills.

1.4. Nearpod

1.4.1. Manage what everyone sees on their screen. An instructor can give a presentation as students follow along on their device.

2. Educational

2.1. News O Matic

2.1.1. An interactive way for students to better understand current events. 5 stories a day may contain videos, maps, and polls. Could be used to engage a student in an independent leisure/learning activity when 1-to-1 or small group time is required by other students.

2.2. Amazing Coin

2.2.1. 9 interactive games about USD coins: matching, counting, paying, making change. Could be applied to money comprehension.

2.3. ABC Ninja

2.3.1. Based on the popular Fruit Ninja's game play students identify (slice) letters by sight, sound, and touch. Could be used to track student phonemic awareness.

2.4. Splash Math

2.4.1. Reinforces key math skills with an engaging and adaptive program. Grade level customization. Bundle purchase availability. With a variety of skills and assessment opportunities this could be used as a substitute for paper/pencil assessments.

3. Utilities

3.1. Super Notes

3.1.1. Type, record, or type while recording. Quick and effective text and audio notes. Useful when the need to record a behavior or incident quickly arises.

3.2. Google Maps

3.2.1. Get step-by-step text and audio directions to any location. Students can use travel time between to locations to determine what time they would need to leave a location to arrive at the other on time.

3.3. Weather

3.3.1. Tons to choose from for a handy quick access app. Students could look up weather in different regions to determine appropriate clothing needed for a trip.

3.4. Dictionary.com

3.4.1. Obtain correct spelling, definition, synonyms and antonyms of over 2 million words. Voice-to-text feature allows students to say a word to learn the correct correct spelling. Never have to spell a word for a student again!

4. J. Salanky

5. yep