Final Outline: Justin Steward

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Final Outline: Justin Steward por Mind Map: Final Outline: Justin Steward

1. Introduction:

1.1. Open with the topic: Digital tools to increase academic success for

1.2. Conclude Introduction paragraph with Thesis.

2. 1st Paragraph

2.1. Begin by providing a description of some of the problems that first time online learners encounter

2.1.1. Article: "Adult Learners and Technology;How to Deliver Effective Instruction and Overcome Barriers to Learning"

3. 2nd Paragraph

3.1. Introduce the first resource that can help adult learners be more successful

3.2. Article: " Distance Learning: Best Apps, Tools and Online Services"

4. 3rd Paragraph

4.1. Discuss alternate method to help adult online learners


5. Conclusion

5.1. Re-introduce thesis

5.1.1. Quickly recapture 3 supporting paragraphs to support/conclude argument