
Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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Storyjumper por Mind Map: Storyjumper

1. Action Points

1.1. Tier 2 Writing Group Activity

1.2. Student response to the unit essential question as a personal project during Daily 5 time.

2. Ideas

2.1. Classroom Books

2.2. Writing Groups

2.3. Personal Projects

3. What exactly does this tool do? -Dr. Fritz

4. Positives

4.1. Free use at school and at home.

4.2. Engages students in higher order creative thinking and evaluating.

4.3. Give students the opportunity to take pride in their writing skills and creative ideas based on skills and concepts that they are learning in the classroom.

5. Problems

5.1. Hard copies of students books must be purchased.

5.2. Requires previous experience with a computer and program training unless uninterrupted adult supervision is available.