Camera Shots

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Camera Shots por Mind Map: Camera Shots

1. Long shot- framing technique used to capture the environment and full body of subject.

2. Low angle- shot from camera angle positioned low on the vertical axis.

3. Mid shot- framing technique that captures subject from the waist up.

4. Rule of thirds- divides the frame into 9 sections, points of interest should occur at 1/3 or 2/3.

5. Room to view or room for motion- frame picture of moving subject for space in front of the subject.

6. Close-up- framing technique that captures the head and shoulders of the subject.

7. Extreme close-up- framing technique that cuts off top of head and chin of subject.

8. Headroom- do not leave too much space above subjects head, it creates an unbalanced shot.

9. High angle- cinematic technique where the camera looks down on a subject from a high angle.