I am an Auditory Learner

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I am an Auditory Learner por Mind Map: I am an Auditory Learner

1. What is an Auditory Learner?

1.1. The auditory learner MUST hear things for them to have the BEST chance at learning. They can usually remember information more accurately when it has been explained orally to them.

2. 3 Strategies that I will continue using

2.1. I will continue using different colors and pictures in my notes this helps me learn and remember

2.2. I am going to continue to read and explain my material aloud.

2.3. I will continue making word games to help enhance my learning.

3. I memorize more if I repeat things aloud.

4. 3 Characteristics of Auditory Learning

4.1. I remember verbal instructions well.

4.2. I'm not distracted by noise, actually think I can learn better if music playing softly in the background of the studying environment I am in.

5. Summary of an Auditory Learner

5.1. So after reading about the auditory learning style, I believe I do prefer that style of learning because I understand new ideas and concepts best when I hear and talk about them. When I hear and try to retain new information I talk it aloud to myself of the group.