Legislation dictates how schools are funded and what the boundary lines are for those particular ...

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Legislation dictates how schools are funded and what the boundary lines are for those particular schools. por Mind Map: Legislation dictates how schools are funded and what the boundary lines are for those particular schools.

1. As a result of this, already segregated communities are going to see their schools reflect that. Segregation will be perpetuated by this.

2. A Sleeper Effect can occur when programs and resources are being taken away yet the student is being told that their education should be valued.

3. The pymalion effect is dangerous because theteacher may knowingly or unknowingly limit their students potential by placing a low ceiling of expectations on them.

4. Hidden curriculums infer certain messages to students that mat not be beneficial for their self esteem.

5. Parent involvement is often lacking in poorly funded schools because the parents are working and can't support the student in the manner that they would like too.

6. Heterogenous groups can form because of overcrowded schools thus affecting the quality of the student's experience.

7. The ecological environment is shaped by who attends the school. It mirrors the neighborhood that the student came from.

8. Often times there is an achievement gap due to lack of resources and support for the teachers and students.

9. A cultural deficit can become a factor because teachers can fall victim to teaching a different way based upon who the student is.

10. Community involvement is tough to come by because the school is not a source of pride. Rather it is often a symbol of how unbalancedthat things truly are.