Building our People: Pedagogy

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Building our People: Pedagogy por Mind Map: Building our People: Pedagogy

1. 3. Find out more about student interests and their changing needs (e.g. using Design Thinking)

1.1. What is the best tool to identify the learning gaps of the students?

1.1.1. What are the students' learning gaps? How do we manage these learning gaps? ANS: a) "Design Thinking" b) Lesson Study c) Student Profiling

2. Helping teachers manage classes with discipline issues

2.1. 1. Idea 1

2.2. 2. Idea 2

2.3. 3. Idea 3

3. Helping "Old-School" teachers teach "New-Age" students

3.1. 2. Equip them with more pedagogical tools

3.1.1. Who would be in the best position to do this? ANS: a) Dept b) ELIS/CPDD c) ICT dept/mentor d) Buddy (old sch with new sch supports each other)

3.1.2. How can we do this sensitively and take into account the feelings of the 'old school' teachers to better help us get the right message across that we are supporting and not otherwise? ANS: a) The whole department should be involved in the PD (taking into consideration sensitive issues) eg. periodic reviews of the teachers' SCK? / Peer observations b) heart to heart dialogue with the "old school teachers" - offline c) Acknowledge the "old school" teachers' SCK and get to share these basics.

3.1.3. What should the pedagogical tools be based on? Ans: Keep our teaching grounded in CLLIPS and ACoLADE. ANS: a) Keep our teaching grounded in CLLIPS and ACoLADE b) Based on SCK foundation c) Explain the rationale for using new age tools (to enhance T&L)

3.2. 1. Teacher motivation? - Find out what is on their minds.

3.2.1. What is keeping them from learning new strategies/ methods? ANS: a) have dialogues (with old sch teachers/ students) b) Buddy system to motivate and inspire (emphasis is on collaboration - mutual learning) c) time management (getting them to recognise/ understand that the tools help in efficiency)

3.2.2. What are their fears or difficulties? ANS: a) have more empathy for the "old age" teachers. b) review the ICT tools (are they suitable for them? too complicated?)

4. Questions for Rachel

4.1. 1) What are the challenged you faced when you tried to implement ICT lessons into your curriculum? How did you overcome them?

4.2. 2) How did you decide the Titanpad was the most suitable tool to use in this activity?