Thanks to huge advances in information technology, there are a number of digital tools available,...

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Thanks to huge advances in information technology, there are a number of digital tools available, to increase academic success for the adult learner. The three digital tools that I would like to highlight are online schools, digital libraries, and eBooks. por Mind Map: Thanks to huge advances in information technology, there are a number of digital tools available, to increase academic success for the  adult learner. The three digital tools that I would like to highlight are online schools, digital libraries, and eBooks.

1. Online Schools

1.1. No Travel to a designated facility

1.2. Flexible Class Times

1.3. Convenience Of Home or Office (location)

2. eBooks

2.1. Cost Effective

2.2. Easier to handle on a digital reading device over reading from a text book

2.3. Requires less time to purchase and download an eBook over ordering a book online and waiting for delivery

3. Digital Libraries

3.1. No searching through book shelves

3.2. No library hours

3.3. Bigger variety of journals, eBooks, and websites for reference and research in one location