E-Books and Dyslexia

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E-Books and Dyslexia por Mind Map: E-Books and Dyslexia

1. How do EBooks Help

1.1. The ability to change format to fit the reader

1.2. Discovery of SLTR (Span Limited Tactile Reinforcement)

1.2.1. Words are formatted to only fit a few to the screen and scroll vertically, as if reading a really long newspaper column

1.3. Students with Dyslexia read better on screens the size of a phone than on screens the size of a tablet

1.4. Intel Reader

1.4.1. A device that can take a picture of text and translate it to audio within seconds

1.5. People with Dyslexia say reading on an ereader is easier

2. What is Dyslexia

2.1. Dys: Difficulty With; Lexia: Language

2.2. Affects 5-6 kids per classroom

2.3. People with Dyslexia have very good 3D/spatial awareness

2.3.1. However they often have very poor 2D awareness

2.4. They have difficulty memorizing sequences

3. Sources

3.1. Source 1: A New Perspective Dyslexia

3.2. Source 2: E-Readers are More Effective than Paper for some with Dyslexia

3.3. Source 3: Digital Readers & Dyslexia

3.4. Source 4: Shorter Lines Facilitate Reading in Those who Struggle