
Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Project por Mind Map: Project

1. How does it end?

1.1. end is reached when the project's objectives have been achieved or when the project is terminated because its objectives will not or cannot be met, or when the need for the project no longer exists. A project may also be terminated if the client (customer, sponsor, or champion) wishes to terminate the project.

1.2. Developers

2. Notes

3. Temporary

3.1. project's engagement and its longevity. Temporary does not typically apply to the product, service, or result created by the project; most projects are undertaken to create a lasting outcome

3.2. definite beginning and end

4. Outcomes

4.1. tangible

4.2. intangible

5. Rep

5.1. Schedule

5.2. Budget

5.3. Resources

5.4. Delays

6. Unique

6.1. Every project creates a unique product, service, or result

6.1.1. Materials

6.1.2. Personel

6.1.3. Services

6.1.4. Duration

6.1.5. definite beginning and end

6.2. Repetitive

6.2.1. repetitive elements may be present in some project deliverables and activities, this repetition does not change the fundamental, unique characteristics of the project work.

6.2.2. follows an organization's existing procedures

6.3. there may be uncertainties or differences in the products, services, or results that the project creates

7. Definition

7.1. temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result

7.2. Limitations

7.2.1. Schedule

7.2.2. Budget

7.3. Define Project Development Measurement

7.3.1. KPI's