Leadership Development Plan: Joann Lam, Spring 2015

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Leadership Development Plan: Joann Lam, Spring 2015 por Mind Map: Leadership Development Plan:  Joann Lam, Spring 2015

1. Practice 4: Enable Others to Act

1.1. Promoting Relationships

1.1.1. A leader's respect to others would motivate work to be done efficiently by everyone. Simply "liking" someone would not promote that same response of work. Although the work environment would be in a lighter setting, a sense of leniency could develop, which may discourage progressive work.

1.1.2. It should be everyone's responsibility to establish an effective, productive working relationship. It requires teamwork and cooperation from everyone to establish this sort of environment.

1.1.3. Having a relationship that is effective and productive versus one that is social and friendly may be used together to establish an effective working environment. There is a difference between the two relationships, however there would be a better balance using both together.

1.1.4. The leader has a significant role is facilitating good relationships in a workplace. This mediates motivation amongst the group to establish the common goal.

1.2. Disagreements

1.2.1. I recently had a disagreement with my family about an issue at home. My actions at the time probably came out to be defensive and demeaning to others. This affected everyone's response and reaction to later confrontations, which may hurt future decisions.

1.2.2. To be a better listener during disagreements, I will: Listen to entire reasoning to get the different perspective Give my own opinion on the issue and allow others to give me input on that opinion Allow others to finish talking before giving my own input

1.3. Confidence

1.3.1. I typically do allow others to do their work without my interference. However, there are times when I want work to be done in a specific way. With this, I would take over the task myself rather than directing the work to others. This action could develop a lack of confidence in one another to complete a task. Furthermore, this could create a distant relationship in the workplace.

1.3.2. To instill a greater sense of confidence in the people I work with, I may: Give compliments on what they do well Have group discussions Distribute work evenly to each member Give "rewards" for each goal met

1.4. Competition vs. Cooperation

1.4.1. Competition could be a good aspect to have in a work place, for it may promote motivation to get work completed. However, it may also promote conflict between group members. With this, cooperation would be a more favorable aspect to have. This would create a sense of unity to get work done together as a group.

1.4.2. A competitive conversation may be beneficial, for it gives everyone different perspectives on strong points each member has on the particular matter. However, this may also affect each member's judgement on the situation because they each want to "win" the argument. In a cooperative conversation, on the other hand, members would give different perspectives while listening to others' input at the same time. This would help the group establish a common ground and work towards a greater goal.

1.4.3. A balance between competition and cooperation would need to be established in order to create the motivation to get work done and the unity to exchange input and information to improve the group work. To achieve this balance, the leader would need to present his or her ideals at the beginning of the project to get work done progressively. Every group member should understand the end goal and want to give the best result as a whole. To promote this, the leader may give "prizes" for establishing the goal.

2. Practice 5: Encourage the Heart

2.1. Ways to Recognize Someone

2.1.1. Praise them

2.1.2. Tell other group members about the accomplishments the particular member has made

2.1.3. Allow that member to be the leader and/or take charge of the particular activity

2.1.4. Give that member additional assistance

2.1.5. Give additional breaks or rewards

2.1.6. Buy gifts/meals/snacks/etc.

2.1.7. Throw a party or show recognition during an event

2.1.8. Give an award, such as a certificate, plaque, medal, etc.

2.1.9. Give the member a raise or day off

2.1.10. How involved he/she is trying to get others to be excited about the topic

2.2. What to Look for That is Important to Recognize

2.2.1. If he/she have been asking effective questions concerning the project/work

2.2.2. If he/she have been focused on the work

2.2.3. If a lot of notes were taken

2.2.4. If further research was made using outside sources

2.2.5. If he/she is knowledgeable about the topic/project

2.2.6. If he/she showed creativity in renovating the idea(s)

2.2.7. If he/she asked others for their opinions on the project

2.2.8. If he/she used time effectively and efficiently

2.2.9. If possible errors were considered

2.2.10. If pros and cons were discussed

2.2.11. If he/she does more than what is expected and/or asked for

2.2.12. If he/she works ahead without being asked to

2.2.13. If he/she asks for assistance to get the work done faster and/or to get more ideas

2.2.14. If he/she is excited about the topic iteself

2.3. The leader should show appreciation for the group/group member(s) for accomplished work. This would not only validate the members' hard work, but it would also motivate them to work just as hard in future projects. In addition, this would improve the setting and atmosphere of the work place. Five ways to show greater appreciation to the group as a whole are:

2.3.1. Praise the group during recognition ceremonies, meetings, etc.

2.3.2. Give a gift during and/or after the work is completed

2.3.3. Bring treats/goodies/meals during work

2.3.4. Give breaks in between work and/or allow the members to leave early after a long day of hard work

2.3.5. Work along with the members

3. Part 1: Emotional Intelligence

3.1. Personal SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

3.1.1. Emotional Self-Perception S: I am usually aware of my emotions and how they are affecting my actions. W: I do not understand how or why my emotions are affecting my actions. O: I can ask for assistance in identifying where my emotions are coming from. T: My emotions would prevent me from acting "normally."

3.1.2. Emotional Self-Control S: I am usually quiet about my emotions. W: Because I do not express my emotions, I become stressed from it and do not know what to do about the emotions. O: I may talk to my sister, who does well in controlling her emotions and giving advice. T: I could get overwhelmed from my emotions.

3.1.3. Authenticity S: I give my best effort in completing a task once I've taken responsibility for it. W: Sometimes, other factors or tasks arise that would prevent me from finishing my original task. O: I may ask for assistance from my peers. T: I may feel obligated to "choose sides" if another problem needs to be approached.

3.1.4. Healthy Self-Esteem S: I have good self-esteem when desired results are accomplished. W: Before the results are give, I have self-doubt. O: I may ask for others' opinions about my work or actions to help me become more confident. T: My self-doubt prevents me from moving forward.

3.1.5. Flexibility S: I am usually rather flexible when change is brought upon me. W: I may be slow in adapting to the changes in the beginning. O: I may ask additional questions and/or look up methods on how to adapt to the new changes. T: I may still want to do work the "old" way, possibly out of habit.

3.1.6. Optimism S: I am typically rather optimistic. W: My optimism may not be realistic in some situations. In addition, I may become doubtful when the situation is dependent on my work. O: I may ask my peers for their input and opinions on the work being done. T: My lack of self-confidence could prevent me from being optimistic on the outcome.

3.1.7. Initiative S: I take initiative in situations that I am comfortable with. W: I do not take initiative in projects that I am not knowledgeable about. O: I can take initiative in the groups I am currently in. This may assist me to become more comfortable with different types of projects or assignments. T: My self-doubt could prevent me from completing the project effectively and to everyone's standards.

3.1.8. Achievement S: I set a high standard for myself on projects that I am responsible for. W: I may doubt myself in reaching those standards I've set for myself. O: I may take on more projects to determine how effective I am in completing them according to my standards. T: I may become stressed from my set standards and/or not completing the project.

3.2. Stress

3.2.1. Sources of Stress (Work Overload, Lack of Control, Interaction Conflict, Issue Conflict, Role Conflict, Anticipatory Stressors) The most salient stressors to me are: work overload and anticipatory stressors. By determining my stressors, I have realized that my stressors drive me to be a stronger individual each day. It is healthy for me to realize my reactions to stress, for I could determine if those reactions are affecting my productivity in any way.

3.2.2. Reactions to Stress Aggression: I am typically not an aggressive individual when dealing with stress. On the contrary, I am usually silent about my stress. Repression: I do often ignore/deny the stressors that are put upon me. This reaction of mine causes me to procrastinate on my task(s), which creates an even greater stress in the future. Fixation: When I become stressed from a situation, I do talk about it with the people close to me in order to get further advice. I do not necessarily focus my stress on a particular person.

3.2.3. Techniques for Managing Stress Reactive Strategies: Some reactive strategies I have for managing stress are: eating, shopping, and watching TV/movies. I do not necessarily abuse these strategies. Proactive Strategies: Some proactive strategies I may have are: taking walks in the park and relaxing with yoga. Enactive Strategies: I do try to eliminate the stressor(s) from my life if it affects me emotionally. Even so, it is difficult for me to absolutely forget about the stressor.

3.2.4. Triggers People: Family and/or friends who puts a negative impact on me. Places: Work, cemeteries, hotels, nursing homes Events: Funerals, family confrontations, road trips, work Behavior in others: Laziness, cockiness, no self-respect, pessimistic Situations: Lying/cheating, no common ground, disorganization, last minute changes

3.3. Flexibility

3.3.1. Flexibility Mindset I am rather open-minded for change if I am informed about it prior to the actual change in events. My family previously had a restaurant that required a lot of renovations. With this, we discussed about the changes that needs to be made in order to improve the restaurant. This shows the flexible mindset I have for change. To further develop by flexibility mindset, I will continue to develop new ideas and innovations towards my current projects and activities.

3.3.2. Flexibility Skill Set I am usually able to adapt to change well, if I was informed about the change in advance. An example of this took place at the pharmacy I am currently employed at. We were told that a change in our filling/bagging system is going to take place in a few months. With this, we, as a group, were able to make subtle changes throughout the months to prepare for the major change. We were also able to ask questions and look up further information about the new system months prior to the actual change. To further develop my flexibility skill set, I will prepare myself more effectively when I am told about a future change.

4. Organizational Involvement and Work Experience

4.1. Organizational Involvement: -Kappa Epsilon Pharmacy Fraternity -American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP)

4.2. Work Experience: Pharmacy Intern at Wal-Mart Pharmacy Assistant Manager at Pho Lan Asian Bistro

5. Part 2: Emotional Intelligence

5.1. Setting Goals

5.1.1. SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time bound) Goal: I will help with renovations at my family's business this summer to help us build and move businesses. I will take on specific tasks to help with this process.

5.2. Resistance Can Be Good

5.2.1. Level 1: We may learn from one another the things we do not understand.

5.2.2. Level 2: We may gather opinions on why an idea may not be favorable to someone, and this may help create an even better idea.

5.2.3. Level 3: The person presenting an idea may be able to show potential in the plan.

5.2.4. I typically show resistance because I do not understand the purpose and/or benefits of the change. To be able to facilitate change better, I may ask questions about the change and/or further learn about the change.

6. Part 3: Emotional Intelligence

6.1. Observing the Elements (e.g. with regards to SWOSU)

6.1.1. Symbolic: pride in mascot, emblem, and name of school

6.1.2. Interactive: students and faculty cooperation to get desired goal from education/school

6.1.3. Role: role models in professors, Dean(s), and excelling students

6.1.4. Context: examining the history and geography/location to understand the significance of the school

7. Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Inventory (scoring 3-21)

7.1. - Emotional Self-Perception: 13 - Emotional Self-Control: 12 - Authenticity: 15 - Healthy Self-Esteem: 9 - Flexibility: 13 - Optimism: 14 - Initiative: 14 - Achievement: 14 - Displaying Empathy: 13 - Inspiring Others: 13 - Coaching Others: 12 - Capitalizing on Difference: 15 - Developing Relationships: 15 - Building Teams: 13 - Demonstrating Citizenship: 14 - Managing Conflict: 10 - Facilitating Change: 12 - Analyzing the Group: 12 - Assessing the Environment: 13

8. Beyond Change Management

8.1. Achieving Breakthrough Results from Change

8.1.1. Levels of Success Level One: New state design determined Level Two: New state design implemented Level Three: Business outcomes achieved Level Four: Culture transformed Level Five: Organizational change capability increased

8.1.2. Three Critical Focus Areas Content e.g. changing technology, processes, organizations, etc. People e.g. motivating members to commit to change and embrace the change Process e.g. how the change is planned and what is "mapped" out to happen for the change to occur

8.1.3. My goal is to be able to reach Level Five of Success. However, I would need to get through the other stages first, using the three critical focus areas as guidelines. Also, I may get assistance from previous leaders of the organization/work place.

8.2. The Drivers of Change

8.2.1. Environmental Forces e.g. social, technological, legal, natural environment

8.2.2. Marketplace Requirements for Success e.g. need for innovation, level of quality, speed of delivery

8.2.3. Business Imperatives e.g. new mission, goals, business model, services, pricing

8.2.4. Organizational Imperatives e.g. structure, systems, resources, skill base

8.2.5. Cultural Imperatives e.g. the collective way of working that needs to change to support the needs of the company/group

8.2.6. Leader and Employee Behavior e.g. the tone and mood of both the leader(s) and the employee(s) to the company/group and the change that is to be done

8.2.7. Leader and Employee Mindset e.g. the mindset and drive of both the leader(s) and the employee(s) to want to improve the situation concerning the change

8.3. Three Types of Organizational Change

8.3.1. Developmental Change Progressive improvement

8.3.2. Transitional Change Change of an old strategy to a new strategy

8.3.3. Transformational Change Improvement until reaches the end goal. Later finds complications with the task, but learns from these errors and mistakes to go towards another progressive path

8.4. Two Leadership Approaches to Transformation

8.4.1. Conscious Consciously aware of surroundings and cause/effects of actions; thinks ahead and determines what else could be done to improve

8.4.2. Autopilot Does things out of routine, which may prevent one from noticing the surroundings and how he or she can improve or change

8.4.3. Decision on approach directly affects other members/co-workers and the mood/tone of the work environment

8.5. Building Organizational Change Capability

8.5.1. Enterprise Change Agenda Use a strategic way of changing priorities for the company/group

8.5.2. Common Change Process Methodology Using "old" methods or other strategies from other people to build on current business and change

8.5.3. Change Infrastructure Changing how plans and even work environment are structured

8.5.4. Strategic Change Center of Excellence Using the Center to build on to the business, as well as acquiring assistance in areas that are needed

8.5.5. The Strategic Change Office Oversees the success of change across the entire enterprise

8.6. Human Dynamics: From Resistance to Commitment

8.6.1. Resistance is caused by one's needs, and he or she fears that the needs will not be met

8.6.2. Resistance is unconsciously generated by ego

8.6.3. Emotional transitions may occur, which is expected

8.6.4. Conscious change leader needs to understand the changes and how to battle these. However, they are not responsible for resolving the issues that arise; they are needed to help guild the business/company/group and the people associated with it to combat the changes

8.7. The Role and Impact of Mindset

8.7.1. The mindset the leader has influences: vision of future transformations internal experiences decision-making impact on others performace and end results

8.8. The Role and Impact of Culture

8.8.1. -Leadership style -Decision-making styles -Distribution of influence -Degree of autonomy -Level of employee involvement -Frequency, tone, style, and direction of communication -Use, flow, and availability of information -Level classifications and privileges -Job design -Use of rewards and punishments -Monitoring systems -Performance standards and expectations -Goal clarity -Consequences of failure and orientation to learning -Space, layout of offices -Norms and behaviors -Stories, myths, traditions, and rituals -Heroes and heroines -Symbols (brand, logo, motto, language, relics) All of these factors are used to determine the role of culture in a group or business. Some of these factors may intertwine with one another, and connections can be made.

9. Practice 1: Model the Way

9.1. Values

9.1.1. My Five Important Values and Their Definitions Family: My support system and role models Trust: Being able to rely on someone with either responsibilities or emotions Happiness: Enjoying what I do and my surroundings Memories: Events I can look back at and reminisce Human relationships: Getting to know the people I interact with and creating a bond with them

9.1.2. My Actions Aligning With My Values Taking time out to be with my family over the weekend Creating memories by celebrating my nephew's 6th birthday Getting to know my coworkers and classmates by talking to them one-on-one

9.1.3. What Happens When My Actions Align With My Values? Overall mood improves Others would get a better understanding of me Actions become more genuine

9.1.4. What Happens When My Actions Do Not Align With My Values? Others would not understand my true intentions My values are misunderstood I would be confused with my own actions and desires

9.1.5. How to Live Up to Values? Understand my values and be able to act upon them Do not allow others to tell me what my values should be

9.2. Commitment

9.2.1. Most Current Promises Made I promised my niece that I would take her shopping on the weekend. With this, I stayed back a few hours to fulfill that promise. She was very appreciative of me keeping my promise. My mom asked me to finish my grandma's laundry before I leave for school. I agreed to it and was able to do so. With this, my mom had less to do when she got home from a tiring day at work. I made a promise to myself that I would finish studying for a particular subject before the weekend ended. Because I did not fulfill this commitment, I had more tasks to complete throughout the rest of the week.

9.2.2. Future Commitments Donate to a charity as requested by a friend Make time for my friends next weekend Spend more time with my niece and nephew Send remaining Christmas gifts Go to my sorority's event

9.2.3. Regretted Commitment In my senior year of high school, I decided to not go to my senior prom so that I could study for my AP tests coming up. Now, I regret that commitment because I lost a valuable memory with my friends in high school.

9.2.4. Action on Following Through a Commitment Donating to a charity as requested by a friend: contact my friend and apologize for the delay, then donate as soon as possible.

9.2.5. Feelings on Denying a Request I may initially feel regret for missing out on a moment with others. However, I may later realize that my commitment was made for an important reason.

9.2.6. To Take a Commitment or Not? I may develop a doubt in myself for fulfilling a commitment: what if someone can take on this task more effectively than me? However, with the right mindset, determination, efficient time and resources, I should take on the task or role to better myself as a leader.

10. Practice 2: Inspire a Shared Vision (For Our Group, a.k.a. Leadership Class)

10.1. Envisioning the Group

10.1.1. We, as a group, would grow as strong leaders with the help of each other. Our advices to one another would strengthen each of us to be better leaders by the end of the semester.

10.1.2. Hopefully, we would understand each other very well by the end of the semester. With us getting to know one another throughout the course, we are able to help one another grow as strong individuals.

10.2. What to Do as a Group to Meet Its Purpose

10.2.1. Discuss each of our strengths and weaknesses: This will help us help each other in becoming a stronger leader.

10.2.2. Participate in activities that gives different scenarios/situations to overcome: By doing these activities, we get to see how each of us approach the problem(s). With this, we get different perspectives and angles on battling a situation.

10.2.3. Discuss what we each want to achieve from the course: This may help us accomplish those goals more quickly and strategically.

10.3. Vision of the Future for the Group

10.3.1. My vision for the group: For us be determined in each of our goals and what kind of leader we want to become.

10.3.2. Our visions for the group should be shared with one another regularly in order for us to focus on those visions and strive to achieve it each day.

10.3.3. To do this, we will challenge each other each day. This will help us focus on our visions and goals.

10.4. Purpose of the Group

10.4.1. To become the best leader that we can be

10.5. Dreaming Leads to Vision

10.5.1. I hope to be a well-composed and calm leader, especially when a problem arises that requires my attention and input.

10.5.2. To begin living my dream, I have to experience a leadership role that would be different from what I have experienced previously. This would present me with different perspectives, as well as building me as a stronger leader.

10.5.3. I have to learn how to be confident and interactive with others.

10.5.4. I have to sacrifice a lot of time to learn and experience the things I am not familiar with.

10.5.5. I have to risk being lectured on my mistakes, which will ultimately build me as a stronger leader.

10.5.6. To realize my dream, I need motivation and support from others. In addition, I need more experience to boost my confidence in the areas I am not familiar with.

10.5.7. I will need to reach out to my role models for further advice, as well as emotional support. I will also need to network out to other professionals who would give me further advice on becoming a better leader. Role models and mentors to contact: - Rebecca Frye (previous Pharmacy manager) - Julie Galarza (sister, manager of business) - Dr. Pray (professor at SWOSU COP)

11. Practice 3: Challenge the Process

11.1. Developing Skills

11.1.1. Skills to Learn to Become a Better Leader Multitasking Confidence Innovating new ideas

11.1.2. Where to Find New Skills? Other organizations offered at SWOSU College of Pharmacy A new work environment

11.1.3. Role Model in Desired Skills? Previous Pharmacy manager: I may be able to contact her to ask for assistance in acquiring the desired skills. She has been a Pharmacy manager for several years, which helped her become the leader she is today.

11.1.4. Current Progress in Developing Skills I believe that I am still learning about myself and who I envision to become as a leader. My current progress may be evaluated by my co-workers in the pharmacy, as well as the Pharmacists and Pharmacy manager.

11.1.5. What Gets in the Way to Become Successful? Personality: One may need to change his or her personality in order to battle different situations. Taking on too many tasks: Learn how to say no and justify the problem. Ask questions to myself: - Are there other jobs to be done otherwise? - Is the particular task worth the time to sacrifice? - Are others depending on me to finish this task? - Can this task be done later? - Can this task be performed by another group member? Time: Make use of time.

11.2. Challenges

11.2.1. How to Address Current Challenges Shadow other professionals to obtain different perspectives Practice basic skills outside of work/school/etc. to catch up faster Ask for assistance from other peers on how to improve

11.2.2. Recent Experience That Didn't Go as Expected We were understaffed at work one day, and it was also extremely busy throughout the day. The atmosphere was very chaotic and frustrating, not only for the staff but also for the customers. From this experience, I learned: To be over-prepared, with staffing as well as with equipment, chores, etc. Good communication is very important, especially during times of chaos To be calm and to not allow the unfavorable environment take over emotions and actions What to do from learned experience Prepare for the worst-case-scenario Have a good working relationship with other peers/coworkers, and be able to communicate with them fully and effectively Be able to stay calm and observe what needs to be done

12. Student LPI (scoring from 6 to 30): - Model the Way: 19 - Inspire a Shared Vision: 19 - Challenge the Process: 18 - Enable Others to Act: 22 - Encourage the Heart: 18