Defending North America

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Defending North America por Mind Map: Defending North America

1. The scrapping of the Avro Arrow

1.1. For

1.1.1. Fast, efficient, hypersonic fighter plane

1.1.2. symbolized the independence that Canada had gained up until that point.

1.2. Against

1.2.1. too expensive, not worth the money

1.2.2. conventional bombers were no longer needed, technology was changing and atmospheric weapons like intercontinental ballistic missiles were being invented

1.2.3. could purchase very similar bombers from the us

2. Canada's acceptance of Nuclear Weapons in 1963

2.1. For

2.1.1. believed it was a vital part to protecting Canada against communist aggression

2.1.2. showed Canada's support for the other countries

2.2. Against

2.2.1. wasn't safe, many people felt threatened by it and feared that it would result in global sucide

2.2.2. wanted Canada to remain a non-nuclear nation

2.2.3. didn't think it was right for the UN to be working to disarmament while accepting nuclear weapons

3. Canada's role in the Cuban missile crisis

3.1. For

3.1.1. believed that they should support the US as there allies and immediately send troops

3.1.2. they needed to keep up the positive relationship they had with the US

3.2. Against

3.2.1. wanted the UN to send a fact finding mission to Cuba rather then support NORAD.

3.2.2. didn't want to support something that seemed so rooted in american intrests

3.2.3. wanted to support Canada's independence and protect Canadian interests.