English Language Learners in Vietnam

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English Language Learners in Vietnam por Mind Map: English Language Learners in Vietnam

1. Progress is assessed by the teacher, who can continuously monitor how students are doing. The teacher will meet to discuss with students every week when they first begin, then every month and less often as they become more comfortable and more included in the classroom and school.

2. Vietnamese Students

2.1. Evaluate students English level/history and educational background

2.1.1. Have they been educated in Vietnamese public/private schools?

2.1.2. Where did they learn English? (Language schools, parents, tutors, etc?)

2.1.3. Who? This will be done by teachers, with help from students and parentsl. Why? This will help teachers understand the unique background of each student. Where? In and outside of classroom. When? When a student is first joining a class. How? Teachers will talk to students and parents when a child is first enrolled at the international school.

2.2. Learn about English speaking countries and other countries represented in school

2.2.1. What? Students will understand the diversity of their classroom and school.

2.2.2. Who? Teachers will educate new Vietnamese students of the wide array of countries and cultures at the school.

2.2.3. Why? Many Vietnamese students have not been in schools with widespread diversity, so this will help get them used to it.

2.2.4. Where? In the classroom. When? Teachers will brief new students during their first few weeks of school. How? Teachers will briefly introduce new students to others from diverse countries and have them share information about their home country.

2.3. Discourage stereotypes/negative thoughts

2.3.1. Why? Stereotypes of other Asian countries are very strong, in particular, China. It is likely Vietnamese students will encounter Chinese students, so it is important to be aware of these negative thoughts.

2.3.2. How? Find activities, projects, sports that students can do together and find common ground.

2.3.3. Who/What? Teachers will sensitively discuss student opinions of countries that are often stereotyped in Vietnam. This cannot be easily solved, but there will be continuing discussions of how to avoid negative thoughts. Where? In the classroom. When? Over several months and/or when problems or questions arise.

2.4. Encourage social diversity

2.4.1. How? Prearrange class seating arrangements to mix up the nationalities. Same with assigned partners and groups.

2.4.2. What? Introduce students to a variety of nationalities, not letting them become too comfortable with only Vietnamese. Why? Students may be overwhelmed and not seek out those who are different. This will allow students to get to know each other more quickly and easily.

2.4.3. Who? Teachers will make initial arrangements, then monitor progress and make any needed changes or updates. Where? Diversity will be encouraged in and outside the classroom (lunch, recess, etc.) When? Ongoing from students' initial introduction to classroom.

2.5. Have Vietnamese students continually educate class about culture, holidays, traditions

2.5.1. Why? Most students in international school classrooms are foreign to Vietnam, and even those who have lived here for a few years can learn more about the culture and customs.

2.5.2. What? Let students be the "masters" and teach about their country and culture.

2.5.3. Who? Teachers will give guidance if students are unable or unwilling to take initiative with this step. Why/How? Students can teach about culture in or outside the classroom, perhaps even organize trips or activities.

3. Korean Students

3.1. Evaluate students' English language level and international experience

3.1.1. What? How long have they been living in Vietnam? Have they lived in any other foreign countries? Where have they learned English? (Korean schools, language schools in Vietnam or other)

3.1.2. Who? Teachers will evaluate student backgrounds with help from parents and students. Where? In and outside the classroom. Why? It's important for teachers to know about each students history, since they may have no experience living away from Korea, or many have never lived in Korea. Each student will have unique circumstances.

3.1.3. How? Talk to parents and students and ask them questions. When? During students first week of school, or prior to enrollment

3.2. Learn about resources available to Korean students (staff/community)

3.2.1. Why? In some international schools Koreans are the majority, and have specific administrators responsible for student outreach.

3.2.2. What? If students or parents have issues, they can turn to these resources for help. Who? Teachers can introduce parents/students, or just provide information. Where? In classroom, offices of Korean support staff. When? In first weeks of student attending school.

3.2.3. How? This will help students and parents new to Vietnam find a community and become for active in the school despite language limitations.

3.3. Assign student (long-term) buddies to help new Korean students become accustomed to school and Vietnam

3.3.1. Why? Since there is a large Korean population in international schools and Hanoi, it is important to give students deeper connections to encourage crossing cultural lines

3.3.2. Who? Teachers will assign these buddies and monitor Korean students progress in integration into the school community. Where? Initially the connections will take place in the classroom, but ideally they will lead to further connections outside the classroom. When? In the students first week they'll be assigned a buddy, and this is continuous for the students first semester (at least)

3.3.3. How? These partners could be Vietnamese or native speakers. They will help students learn about their new school and meet new students (from other nationalities).

3.4. Provide many opportunities for Korean students to share their culture and educate their classmates

3.4.1. Why? This will help non-Korean students understand the background of their classmates

3.4.2. How? Korean students will also be able to celebrate their own culture, and share this with the diversity around them. This will help students stay connected to Korean culture, while remaining integrated to the school.

3.4.3. Who? Teachers will give guidance if students are unable or unwilling to take initiative with this step. What/Where? Students can teach about culture in or outside the classroom, perhaps even organize trips or activities.

3.5. Take class trips to locations in nearby neighborhood, greater Hanoi and northern Vietnam.

3.5.1. Why? This will help Korean students new to the country learn about their new home and gain an understanding of the location and people

3.5.2. What? Trips will promote bonding among all students, as well as an opportunity to navigate new areas and problem solve in groups.

3.5.3. Who? Teachers could organize trips to get started, then students could come up with additional ideas. Where? The idea is not to go too far away, but to help students form roots in the community alongside their peers. How? Visit nearby sites as a group.