Web 2.0 Communication Tools for Administrators

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Web 2.0 Communication Tools for Administrators por Mind Map: Web 2.0 Communication Tools for Administrators

1. Shared Documents

1.1. Google Docs

1.1.1. Google Docs is a free tool from Google that allows users to create, share, and edit documents. Administrators can share items, such as the school letter head for teachers to use for letters to parents.

1.2. Google Calendar

1.2.1. Google Calendar is a free calendar tool from Google. Administrators and teachers can have access to the school's schedule and can edit the calendar to add meetings and other events.

1.3. DropBox

1.3.1. Drop Box is free and allows users to share documents, photos, and more. Administrators can use this to create folders, such as an "Emergency Lesson Plan" folder for all teachers to add lessons to should an emergency arise.

1.4. 4Shared

1.4.1. 4Shared is a tool that gives users 15GB of web space for free. Administrators can share photos of the Science Fair directly with the yearbook staff.

2. Blogs

2.1. Edublog

2.1.1. Edublog is a blog that's free for educators. Administrators can use this blog to share ideas with teachers about new educational websites.

2.2. Wikispaces

2.2.1. Wikispaces offers 2GB free to educators. Wikispaces gives administrators the ability to write a blog to keep staff up to date on things, such as professional development.

2.3. Blogger

2.3.1. Blogger is a free tool from Google. Administrators can use this to share information with parents about upcoming events in the school.

2.4. Wordpress

2.4.1. Wordpress is a free tool used to create blogs or webpages. Administrators can use this to share information with teachers on the latest updates from DESE.

3. Surveys

3.1. Survey Monkey

3.1.1. Survey Monkey is a free tool. Administrators can use this to survey teachers on preferred Harvest Party times.

3.2. KwikSurveys

3.2.1. Kwiksurveys is a free survey creator. Administrators can use this to get an idea of what teachers feel the school needs to improve on.

3.3. Zoho

3.3.1. Zoho survey is a free online tool. Administrators can use this to survey teachers about the teacher in-service and what knowledge they gained from attending.

3.4. Fluid Surveys

3.4.1. Fluid Sureys is a free tool used to create surveys. Administrators can use this to survey teachers to find out how many teachers are planning on working at summer school.

4. Resources:

4.1. http://the21stcenturyprincipal.blogspot.com/2012/03/4-ways-school-administrators-can-use.html

4.2. http://the21stcenturyprincipal.blogspot.com/2011/06/my-top-5-google-apps-for-administrators.html

4.3. http://web20-toolkit.wikifoundry.com/page/Document+Sharing

4.4. http://mind42.com/mindmap/7165a87d-930c-4ba2-9d79-2800c0c1a181

4.5. http://www.procommunicator.com/resources/