New Technologies

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New Technologies por Mind Map: New Technologies

1. Production

1.1. Black Magic 4K Camera

1.1.1. Easy to export footage from.

1.1.2. Simple layout of controls, which makes it easier to handle and work with.

1.1.3. 4K - Fantastic resolution if you know how to take advantage of this properly.

1.1.4. Heavy to carry around on film sets.

1.2. Samyang 14mm, 35mm and 85mm lenses

1.2.1. Can create great visuals that contribute to the style you are going for.

1.2.2. Wide range of choices for different shots.

1.2.3. You can not zoom in and out and have to move the entire camera with tripod.

1.2.4. Took up a lot of space and are heavy as we personally did not need the amount of lenses that we got.

1.3. Steady Cam

1.3.1. Extremely heavy

1.3.2. Takes a lot of time to set up

1.3.3. Can allow cinematographers to create and master incredibly visually appealing shots.

1.3.4. Creates smooth shots which results in seemless editing.

1.4. Civic Slider

1.4.1. Heavy to carry around

1.4.2. Limit to the movement

1.4.3. Allows smooth, visually appealing and creative shots

2. Post Production

2.1. Final Cut Pro X

2.1.1. Transitions All the basic and simple transitions are available. Easy to apply Not a big variety

2.1.2. Easy to work with but has features within it for people who are more advanced at editing.

2.1.3. Sounds Having to bare in mind the sound levels - has to be between -6 and -30 to achieve best sound quality and to make sure the sound doesn't go crackly or defected. Wide range of sound effects Easy and quick to add They are copyright free

2.1.4. Titles Limited fonts

2.1.5. Uploading Easy and quick Takes a long time to upload and convert.

2.1.6. Colour Grading Allows you to manipulate the style of your film by conveying it through the colour. Allows you to play around with the exposure, colour, brightness and contrast. Allows you to fix any flaws, which were made during the filming process. Takes up time to find the right colour for your film.

3. By Clara Rugaard

4. Pre-Production

4.1. Skype

4.1.1. We managed to keep in contact and continue to share ideas even though a group member was abroad for a month due to this device.

4.1.2. Bad connections prevent the above from happening.

4.2. Email

4.2.1. Exchanging documents such as scripts, filming schedule and so on. It allowed us to contact our actors in a more professional manner informing about dates for filming and organizing what time.

4.2.2. Problems were created with sending videos due to file size and we therefore had to resolve in other methods.

4.3. Star Now

4.3.1. Able to find what we specifically were looking for in the actors and cast them, eventually meet in person and host auditions. You are also able to create a shortlist for the people who you are mostly interested in getting the part and auditioning.

4.3.2. You are not ever really sure if the people are who they portray to be and many require payment.

4.4. Wix

4.4.1. Allows you to present your work in a creative and professional way which conveys your imagination and drive. Easily accessible and can connect with other media platforms such as ITunes, SoundCloud, YouTube and so on.

4.4.2. Technical difficulties and failure can result in all your work being lost.

4.5. Prezi

4.5.1. Creative way of displaying work, intriguing to watch and easy way of keeping viewers engaged with various designs. Easy to use!

4.5.2. Can not overuse as it becomes boring and at the same time it is hard to express own individuality and creativity as you are given templates.

4.6. Facebook

4.6.1. Great device for exchanging and discussing ideas for the film, planning, arranging dates for filming and when and where to meet up and in general discussing the work.

4.6.2. Can easily get distracted and go off topic.

4.7. SoundCloud

4.7.1. - Vocally express ideas - Easy uploading - Allows more creative ways of displaying work (radio shows, etc)

4.7.2. Can not edit soundtrack/clip on website, which means you will have to edit on another website or take it in one go.