TEDxRdam talk - Arjan El Fassed

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TEDxRdam talk - Arjan El Fassed por Mind Map: TEDxRdam talk - Arjan El Fassed

1. politicians

1.1. find their way to local people

1.1.1. via social media

1.2. they are the road signs

1.2.1. to local people

1.3. its different to START listening the ordinary people

2. refuge camp

2.1. 200 streets

2.1.1. first street named after a twitteraccount

2.1.2. major blogs picked it up CNN also cofounders of twitter

2.1.3. awarness refuge camp no street names

2.2. ordinary people

2.2.1. can use social media

3. Arjan El Fassed

3.1. Strate­gist for human­i­tar­ian cam­paigns and social media

3.1.1. twitter

3.1.2. facebook

4. social networks

4.1. goverment should develop

4.2. by pass governement

5. support protect ordinary people

5.1. make use of social media

5.2. listen

5.2.1. different take then pirates militians

5.2.2. actually they are people like you and me

6. back to overview

7. questions

7.1. use of socialmedia afghanistan

7.1.1. late 90s html make use of website

7.2. enough people online?

7.2.1. yes

7.3. now

7.3.1. social media

7.3.2. not dependant on trad media

7.3.3. own comms

7.4. social media

7.4.1. productive way

7.4.2. listen and not only sending

7.4.3. New node

7.5. how about a filter?

7.5.1. lots of missinfo