My house

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My house por Mind Map: My house

1. somethings in somerooms

1.1. there are two loveseats in the living room

1.2. there are three beds in the house

1.3. there are two computers in the study

1.4. there are some some plants in the kitchen

1.5. in the dining room opposite to table there is a picture of the Torre Eiffel

2. near of my house

2.1. it´s a ten minutes in car from shops

2.2. it´s a three minutes in car from gas station

2.3. it´s very near to crops

3. My house is in a quiet street in Paseos de San Juan, Zumpango

4. My house has three stores

5. Rooms

5.1. it´s has a living room

5.2. it's has three bedrooms

5.3. it´s has a kitchen

5.4. it´s has a study

5.5. it´s has two bathrooms

5.6. it´s has a dining room

5.7. it´s has a garage