Engineering, Technology and Applications of Science

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Engineering, Technology and Applications of Science por Mind Map: Engineering, Technology and Applications of Science

1. Engineering=Designing something to fix a problem!!

1.1. First:

1.1.1. Ask Questions

1.1.2. Make Observations

1.1.3. Define the Problem

1.2. Second

1.2.1. Try out the solution

1.2.2. Did it work? Can we make it better?

1.3. Third

1.3.1. Ask more questions

1.3.2. Make more observations

1.3.3. Try out a new solution?

2. Core Idea ETS1: Engineering Design ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting an Engineering Problem

3. We have problems--Yes! How are we to SOLVE these problems?

3.1. Are there some things that we can't do? --LIMITS?

3.1.1. Cost

3.1.2. Can we do this?

3.1.3. How long will it take?

3.1.4. What do we need?

3.1.5. Who is this for?


4. ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions

5. ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution