Data Utilization

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Data Utilization por Mind Map: Data Utilization

1. Accessible

1.1. Availability

1.1.1. confidentiality

1.1.2. privacy

1.1.3. security

1.1.4. governance

1.1.5. supplier and IT resistance

1.1.6. limited budget/labor

1.2. Convenience

1.2.1. easily machine-readable

1.2.2. language translation

1.2.3. standardized metadata

1.2.4. developer tools and APIs

1.2.5. full documentation

1.2.6. alerts & broadcasts

1.3. Media

1.3.1. web, cloud, and client

1.3.2. SMS, email, and voice

1.3.3. wearable devices/gadgets

1.3.4. mobile apps

1.3.5. social media

1.3.6. video, audio, freestyle text

2. Desirable

2.1. Informative

2.1.1. confirm known facts/theories

2.1.2. extend current knowledge

2.1.3. introduce related info.

2.2. Effective

2.2.1. measurable outcomes

2.2.2. immediate results

2.2.3. more efficient / productive

2.3. Engaging

2.3.1. intellectually interesting

2.3.2. emotionally satisfying

2.3.3. entertaining

2.4. Intuitive

2.4.1. geospatial map representations

2.4.2. chart and graph visualizations

2.4.3. storytelling visual animations

2.5. Innovative

2.5.1. statistical data analytics

2.5.2. predictive analytics

2.5.3. linked data

2.5.4. knowledge graphs

2.5.5. AI tools and algorithms neural nets natural language parsing machine learning expert systems

3. hi