Netiquette and Civility in the Online Classroom

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Netiquette and Civility in the Online Classroom por Mind Map: Netiquette and Civility in the Online Classroom

1. Thesis: Understanding etiquette is essential to effective online learning because failure to communicate effectively can lead to strained relationships and reduced collaboration.

2. Intro

2.1. Video

2.2. Savant Quote

3. Common Errors

3.1. Lacking in-person cues

3.1.1. Body language

3.1.2. Hard to gauge/assess your audience

3.2. Too Much Info

3.2.1. Long, hard to understand emails/posts

3.2.2. Too many emails/posts

3.3. Poor Feedback

3.3.1. Can't immediately respond

4. Results of Poor Communication

4.1. Lower Productivity

4.1.1. Can't communicate, can't coordinate

4.1.2. Group projects required

4.2. Lower Morale

5. Tips

5.1. Net Speak

5.2. Clear/brief/to the point

5.3. Avoid humor

5.4. Check/respond promtply

6. Outro

6.1. Priestly quote