Copy of Pathways Action Map

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Copy of Pathways Action Map por Mind Map: Copy of Pathways Action Map

1. Business Goal: Hire a Recent Graduate through the Pathways Program

1.1. Write an acceptable Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) [Hiring Manager]

1.1.1. PRACTICE Matching game, match examples to each requirement Use judgment to determine appropriate responses Write sample postings based on case studies of job needs Posting Must include the following (Minimally Acceptable)

1.2. Consult with HR Representative to ensure the JOA is legally defensible and results in a manageable number of candidates [Hiring Manager]

1.2.1. PRACTICE Review JOA examples to determine if they meet the legal requirements Concept: The JOA must meet the following requirements: Select appropriate strategies for example JOAs based on case studies of job needs Concept: Strategies for Managing JOAs

1.3. Convert announcement into a JOA in USA Jobs [HR Rep]

1.3.1. Use Job Opportunity Announcement Template

1.3.2. Receive and compare applicants, issue a cert for qualified candidates, veteran preference

1.3.3. Send list of applicants to Hiring Manager for review

1.4. Review resumes, select candidates, and interview [Hiring Manager]

1.4.1. PRACTICE Select appropriate resumes from sample pool Review pre-existing eLearning on Interviewing Skills

1.5. Select candidates, rank, and send to HR [Hiring Manager]

1.5.1. PRACTICE Rack and stack exercise using a samples set of resumes and interview results Concept: How to "Rack and Stack" (a common hiring rubric for Federal jobs) Concept: Criteria for ranking candidates

2. Legend

2.1. In Scope

2.2. Out of Scope

2.3. Task

2.4. Practice

2.5. Concept (Knowledge)