
Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Carson por Mind Map: Carson

1. Education

1.1. Public School

1.2. High School

1.3. Future University

1.4. College Courses

2. Future

2.1. unknown

3. Learning

3.1. High Grades

3.2. Respectful

3.3. Hardwork

3.3.1. Projects

3.3.2. School

3.3.3. Work

4. Social life

4.1. School

4.1.1. Class

4.1.2. Semitones

4.1.3. Robotics

4.2. Facebook

4.2.1. Define actions as necessary

4.3. Youtube

5. Personality

5.1. Helpful

5.2. Fun

5.3. Thoughtful

5.4. Creative

6. Careers

6.1. music

6.1.1. Teacher

6.1.2. Musician

6.1.3. Recording Engineer

6.1.4. Vocalist

6.2. Carpenter

6.3. Engineer

7. Skills

7.1. Musical

7.1.1. Musician

7.2. Leadership

7.2.1. Robotics

7.2.2. Semitones

7.3. Teamwork

7.3.1. Semitones