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Psychology por Mind Map: Psychology

1. Fertility Over the Years

1.1. A common theme in movies, especially chick flicks, is that "the (biological) clock is always ticking." This is a fact. "For a 35- to 39-year-old woman, the chances of getting pregnant [...] are only half those of a woman 19 to 26" (Myers 150).

1.2. I am only 18 and kids are not in my near future. But some day I want to be a mom. It was interesting to learn about this. Now I know that, the longer I wait to have kids, the harder it may be to have them.

2. Communication

2.1. People in all cultures can communicate through facial expression.

2.2. A smile communicates happiness in all cultures. Similarly, a frown communicates sadness.

2.3. I plan on traveling. This concept will help me communicate when there are language or culture barriers.

2.3.1. Included

2.3.2. Included

2.3.3. Excluded

3. SQ3R

3.1. A Study Method

3.1.1. Project specifications

3.1.2. End User requirements

3.1.3. Action points sign-off

3.2. An acronym for five steps: Survey, Question Read, Retrieve, Review.

3.2.1. Define actions as necessary

3.3. Is proven to help increase retention.

3.4. This will help me in my future endeavors. In college and medical school, I can use this technique for learning and studying.

4. Portion Size Matters

4.1. There are many external things that affect how much you eat. And, you may not even think about or notice them. Studies have found that, when bigger bowls or scoops are set out, people tend to eat more. This is a completely unconscious decision.

4.2. In a particular study, "nutrition experts helped themselves to 31 percent more ice cream when given a big gown than a small one" (Myers 360).

4.3. This was incredibly interesting to learn about. Thinking back, I know that I take more food on a bigger plate. I, like others, fill my plate. I do not think about the fact that there are different sizes when I am hungry and there is food in front of me.

4.4. Knowing this information will help me to make healthier decisions regarding my diet. I never thought about how scoop or bowl size affected portion size before. But, now that I know, I can be conscious when portioning out my food.

5. Gay vs. Straight

5.1. I used to think that sexuality was a decision. This chapter made it clear to me that sexuality is more than a decision. There are clear biological differences that cause a person to be gay. For example, the hypothalamus cell cluster is larger in homosexuals than it is in heterosexuals. There are also a number of genetic and prenatal influences that affect sexuality.

5.1.1. Materials

5.1.2. Personel

5.1.3. Services

5.1.4. Duration

5.2. Fun Fact: For every son a mother has, there is a 1/3 higher chance he will be gay.

5.3. Knowing this information does not change my life significantly. But, it helps give me a better understanding for those different from myself. It is a lot easier for me to accept something I used to think was wrong when I know it is a natural thing rather than a choice.

6. Therapeutic Lifestyle Change

6.1. There are ways other to treat depression than the usual antidepressants and therapy. These "treatments" all come from the mind-body interaction. The theory says that improving your physical health will improve your mental health, and vice versa.

6.1.1. Dependencies

6.1.2. Milestones

6.2. This alternate treatment of depression is centered around aerobic exercise. The goals of this treatment are adequate sleep, light exposure, social connection, anti-rumination, and nutritional supplements. This lifestyle change was found to be 58% more effective than the regular treatment (Myers 575).

6.2.1. Schedule

6.2.2. Budget

6.3. While I do not have depression, I definitely go through spurts where I am down in the dumps. I have found that exercise can always make me feel better. Learning about this showed me why exercise is so effective in improving my mood. I am going to try the other "treatments" next time my mood has takes a turn for the worst.

7. What Affects Sleep Patterns

7.1. Everybody goes through four sleep stages when the hit the hay. In order, they are REM, NREM-1, NREM-2, and NREM-3. The cycle repeats about every 90 minutes.

7.2. Sleep can be easily disturbed. Bright light, loud noises and an inconsistent sleep pattern can decrease sleep quality. It is best to sleep in dark, quiet rooms. Also, it is best to sleep about the same time every day.

7.3. Sleep is incredibly important. Without sleep, people cannot function. Knowing these tips will help me to reach the best quality of sleep possible. Better rest will help me to be more productive and healthy during the day.

8. Alcohol and Its Effects

8.1. Alcohol is accessible basically everywhere you go. While drinking it is not bad, it is smart to know what it does to your body and brain when you choose to drink it.

8.2. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it reduces brain activity and slows bodily functions when you drink it. It takes longer to make decisions and clouds your decision making.

8.3. Learning about alcohol and other drugs will help me when making decisions about them. It is smart to know the consequences of things as common as alcohol.

9. Source: Myers, David G. Exploring Psychology. 9th ed. New York, NY: Worth, 2014. Print.

10. Created By Alyssa VanVossen

10.1. Made in May, 2015